You can either post your hours in VMS, or you can submit a paper timesheet so we can get your hours included in the monthly report we need to submit on by the 5th of the following month.  E-mails are sent with a copy of the timesheet, or you can get one online.

If you want us to input your hours, please email your June hours to or leave your timesheet at the Extension Office by 5:00 pm by the 3rd of the month. I also need sign-in sheets, and those can be emailed to the Master Gardener email or left at the Extension Office.  Please be sure the hours are either posted in VMS or submitted for us to post by Wednesday evening. 

Certified Master Gardeners need 18 Volunteer Hours and 6 Education Hours each year.  You can check VMS any time for your yearly total, or you can check with me so I can let you know what is on your record.  

Please contact me if you have any questions or problems with your hours.

Thank you,

Jackie Sledge