What is Specialist Training
Purpose: To provide advanced training whereby a corps of Extension Master Gardeners can obtain a specialization which supports or expands specific county educational programs of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service. Advanced Training classes are not intended for personal use but for public education.
Guidelines: The primary purpose of the Advanced Training program is not to designate “experts” in a field of study or topic; rather, it is designed to identify Extension Master Gardeners who have received special training to support specific county educational programs or projects. Advanced Training should be designed to empower the Extension Master Gardener with the knowledge and skills required to effectively support designated programs or projects. This may include administration of projects, training of Extension Master Gardeners, clientele presentations, and/or applied research and demonstrations.
Basic Requirement: To be eligible for Advanced Training, an individual must possess up-to-date Extension Master Gardener certification and agent approval. Typically, only two volunteers from each county may register.
Training and Volunteer Requirements: Advanced Training should be a minimum of 16 hours in length. Hours of training will depend on the subject matter and level of expertise to be obtained. Training might include formal classroom training, field trips and tours, mentoring by experts, and/or self-directed study. Following completion of the training requirement, an individual should complete a minimum 20 hours of volunteer service in a designated program or project to obtain the Advanced Training certificate.
Reporting Volunteer Service: Upon completion of Advanced Training, Extension Master Gardeners are expected to be a local county resource and contribute volunteer service by training other Master Gardeners and the public.
Advanced Trained Master Gardeners will document and report volunteer service hours to the Trainer and their county agent. These hours are used to gain Advanced Training certification and evaluate the effectiveness of the Advanced Training effort.
The agent will approve the hours and submit the completion form on this website.
The trainer will keep a roster and record of all classes and report all qualifying advanced trained Master Gardeners to the Advanced Training Coordinator at the state office.
Those who have completed the Advanced Training and required volunteer service will receive a certificate at the county level (templates are available under Agents Only) and be recognized by name at the annual Texas Master Gardener conference providing their forms have been submitted to the State Office. If not included in the class fee, an Advanced Training pin may be purchased online. Each training has a specific pin.
An Extension Master Gardener successfully completing Advanced Training would use the new designation as suggested in the following examples:
Jim Jamieson, Advanced Master Gardener – Compost
Lindsay Smith, Advanced Master Gardener – Junior Master Gardener
Authorization: With approval of the Texas Master Gardener Coordinator’s office, County Extension Agents and Extension Program Specialists have the authority to develop and implement Advanced Training programs as needed which adhere to these guidelines. While developing Advanced Training programs, counties are encouraged to communicate with Advanced Training Coordinator throughout the development of the program. Also, consideration should be given to potential expansion of such programs into other counties where applicable.
Where appropriate, multi-county and regional collaboration is encouraged when teaching Advanced Training. Using the guidelines of this document, the County Master Gardener Coordinator has the sole authority to certify Advanced Trainees.
Advanced Training Components: Components of an Advanced Master Gardener Training program should include:
- Statement of goals, objectives, and activities
- Advanced Training application form
- Training curriculum
- Training resources/manual
- Advanced Training examination
- Volunteer hour logbook
- Recognition items (i.e., lapel pin, certificate, wallet card, patch, badges, vest/shirt, apron, etc.)
- Position announcement(s) for volunteers
Clearinghouse: In addition to an advisory role, the office of the State Master Gardener Coordinator will serve as a clearinghouse for Advanced Master Gardener Training programs. Curricula, slide presentation and guidelines for Advanced Training programs should be sent to the State Coordinator’s office for archiving.
Training Coordinator Responsibilities: To provide the proposed Master Gardener Advanced Training Program application form, prepare curriculum, establish volunteer components, keep rosters, and report volunteer hours.
Counties Interested in Hosting Advanced Training
- Contact Nicky Maddams, Advanced Training Coordinator/State Program Assistant at nicky.maddams@ag.tamu.edu to discuss class options
- All Advanced Training offerings must be approved by the State Office through the Advanced Training Coordinator
- Calendar availability to be decided between Nicky, the Host County Agent, and Program Specialist (trainer)
- Must submit information, registration form and agenda a minimum of eight (8) weeks prior to training
Role of Advanced Training Coordinator
- Liaison between Host County and Trainer/Coordinator.
- May make the initial contact between the two groups
- Offer suggestions to Host County about meals, venues, cost sharing, etc.
- Promote the training through this website and social media
- Maintain yearly training calendar and make recommendations for trainings and dates
- Provide oversight for completion paperwork
Arrangements between Host County and Trainer
- Venue – Host County
- Meal/Snacks – Host County
- Lodging – Host County
- Necessary office supplies needed and who provides them (books, printouts, notebooks, pens, copies, etc.)
- Necessary training supplies needed and who provides them (plants, soil, containers, etc.)
- Deciding on training fee, registrations and create forms
- Division of profits; cost-sharing
Who can host Advanced Training Classes
It is critical to maintain consistency of quality and quantity of education provided in Advanced Training classes regardless of where they are being held and who is doing the training. Training must have oversight or be taught by Horticulture Agents or AgriLife Program Specialists. Other experts in the field of training may be considered. Certain training courses are to be taught exclusively by specific individuals.
- Entomology – Wizzie Brown, Molly Keck
- Texas Superstars – David Rodriguez, Greg Grant
- Junior Master Gardeners – Lisa Whittlesey
- Irrigation – has legalities; must use Becky Bowling, Charles Swanson
Schedule for Advanced Training Classes
Propagation and Vegetables Advanced Trainings are popular and certification hours are easier to attain. These may be offered annually. Others will be offered as outlined on this schedule:
- Hours are to be reported under Advanced Training in VMS
- Must be done electronically
- This has been discontinued by the TMGA; counties may elect to reimburse or partially reimburse their Extension Master Gardeners upon certification
- Completion is done electronically and must be done by agent
- Agents may print off certificates to present at monthly meetings or local awards ceremonies
- Names are listed and presented at Awards Ceremony during conference as submitted by agent
Proposal for a New Advanced Training to be submitted to nicky.maddams@ag.tamu.edu