The Texas Master Gardener Program is an educational volunteer program sponsored by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service of the Texas A&M University System.  According to their website, Master Gardeners are members of the local community who have an interest in horticulture.  They are enthusiastic, willing to learn and help others, and communicate with individuals as well as with groups.  They respond to questions about horticultural topics, present programs for garden and civic organizations, help with school garden projects, establish demonstration gardens, provide education in the community, and coordinate Master Gardener projects.

The Big Country Master Gardener Association is sponsored by the Taylor County AgriLife Extension Service, and it really represents the Big Country since there are members from Taylor, Jones, Callahan, Nolan, Runnels, Stephens, and Eastland counties.  These Master Gardeners are currently involved in projects all over town – Swenson House Gardens, Hope Garden at First Central Presbyterian Church, Abilene Zoo Pollinator Gardens, Demonstration Gardens at the Taylor County Extension Office and the Modern Living Mall, Expo Center Planters, Trial Gardens on Maple Street, gardens at schools, and the Master Gardener greenhouses.  We have been involved in numerous other projects that we completed and turned over to the groups requesting assistance.  

Education is another area where Master Gardeners are involved.  We provide education to school children during programs such as Kids, Kows and More; Food and Fiber Day; Fruit, Vegetable, and Grain Programs; and other presentations to classes.  We present programs to various civic, school, university, and church groups as well as provide horticulture information through answers to hotline calls and emailed questions.  We educate through information posted on the Big Country Master Gardener website and Master Gardener Facebook, especially in weekly garden articles.  Education is also provided during Last Saturday of the Month Seminars at the Taylor County Extension Office and monthly programs at the Abilene Downtown Library and the Library Branch in the Mall of Abilene.  

Projects and presentations cost money, and profits from the BCMGA Spring and Fall Plant Sales provide the funds needed to allow us to work on projects and provide educational opportunities for the public.  We appreciate how you have supported us by purchasing plants at our sales so we can continue the mission of both the Texas Master Gardener Association and the Big Country Master Gardener Association.

BCMGA volunteered 9405.75 hours in 2023.  Last year the value of a volunteer hour was set at $31.80 by Independent Sector, and that is the amount used to put a value on volunteer hours in Texas.  Based on using $31.80 for our hours, the volunteer service provided by BCMGA in the Big Country last year was valued at $299,102.85.  We continue to be busy working on projects and providing education this year, and we have already reported 6800.75 hours from January through July.  The value of volunteer hours this year is $33.49, so the BCMGA volunteer service is valued at $227,757.11 so far in 2024.  That is amazing!

Every year the Texas Master Gardener Association presents awards to Master Gardener Associations in various categories.  BCMGA submitted information in 6 categories for programs and projects we did in 2023, and we received awards for all 6 nominations in the 50-99 membership category – which includes our Association.

The Awards we received for 2023 are:

I want to applaud the work of BCMGA and recognize the Master Gardeners and Interns who volunteer so many hours to ensure that projects are worked, programs are presented, and public inquiries are answered. 

BCMGA offers several education programs each month.  There is a program at 6:00 p.m. on the 1st Tuesday of the month at the South Library Branch in the Mall of Abilene, and the same program is offered again at 10:00 a.m. on the 2nd Friday of the month at the Downtown Library.  Watch the BCMGA website and Facebook page for the topics and dates of these monthly programs.  The last Saturday Seminar for 2024 will be held on August 31st at 9:00 a.m. at the Taylor County Extension Office Conference Room, and the topic will be The Birds and The Bees.

If you have any questions, call the Taylor County Extension Office at 325-672-6048 or email us at  We hope you visit for information on all Big Country Master Gardener events, like us on BCMGA Facebook, and check out training presentations on BCMGA YouTube.  We are here to help you.