Jackie Sledge

Big Country Master Gardener Association

Merry Christmas to you, our fellow gardeners in the Big Country!

I hope you have had a wonderful time getting ready for today, and I hope even more that you are enjoying this most blessed time with family and friends.  It is always such a hectic time getting presents purchased and wrapped, the decorations all put up, meals planned, food purchased, the house in some semblance of order, and the yard ready for the holidays plus getting the end-of-the-year finances wrapped up.  Whew!  It’s no wonder we are exhausted by today.

Before we close out 2023, I want us to look back over the past 12 months with the Big County Master Gardeners and the many places we have been this year.  Here we go:


The goal of Master Gardeners is to educate the public as well as members of our association, and we accomplished that in many ways during 2023.  We hope you were able to join us at:


The Big Country Master Gardeners worked in the following projects:

BCMGA can provide these education opportunities as well as involvement in projects with funds raised during the Spring and Fall Plant Sales.  We have plants that survive, and thrive, in the Big Country area during the sales, and we are also available to answer questions and help customers with plants delivered from the online sale and also during the in-person sale.

We accomplished these things because of:

Every year Texas Master Gardeners recognize outstanding Master Gardener Associations throughout the state, and the Big Country Master Gardener Association received the following awards in May for the volunteer service we provided in 2022:

We have already started planning programs and events for 2024 so please watch our website for information on our programs and activities each month.

If you have any questions, call the Taylor County Extension Office at 325-672-6048 or email us at mgardeners@yahoo.com.  We hope you visit bcmgtx.org for information on all Big Country Master Gardener events, like us on BCMGA Facebook, and check out training presentations on BCMGA YouTube.  We are here to help you.